Firewall Policies ================= Allowed HTTP methods -------------------- +--------+---------------------+ | Method | Description | +========+=====================+ | GET | get / list object/s | +--------+---------------------+ .. note:: See :rfc:`2616#section-9` for more details on HTTP methods semantics Listing ------- .. http:get:: /fwpolicies/ Gets the list of firewall policies to which the authenticated user has access. :param fields: A set of field names specifying the returned fields :statuscode 200: no error **Example request**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/request_fwpolicy_list :language: javascript **Example response**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/response_fwpolicy_list :language: javascript Detailed listing ---------------- .. http:get:: /fwpolicies/detail/ Gets a detailed list of firewall policies to which the authenticated user has access. :statuscode 200: no error **Example request**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/request_fwpolicy_list_detail :language: javascript **Example response**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/response_fwpolicy_list_detail :language: javascript Create ------ .. http:post:: /fwpolicies/ Creates a firewall policy. :statuscode 201: no error **Example request - minimal**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/request_fwpolicy_create_minimal :language: javascript **Example response - minimal**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/response_fwpolicy_create_minimal :language: javascript This is the minimal data required to create a policy. It is blank one ( does not contain any rules ), but you can use it to attach it to a couple of servers and edit it later to match your needs. **Example request - full**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/request_fwpolicy_create_full :language: javascript **Example response - full**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/response_fwpolicy_create_full :language: javascript This is a more useful firewall policy. The rules are applied in the order they are stated. .. note:: * The IP and port fields support "!" prefix, which specifies "NOT" ( ex. "!" ). * You can specify port ranges with ":" ( ex. "1:1024" or "!1:1024") * The IP fields support subnet definition using the CIDR notation ( ex. "" ) Editing ------- .. http:put:: /fwpolicies/{uuid}/ Update an existing firewall policy .. warning:: Changes are applied every 30 seconds to all running servers with nics that have the policy attached. :statuscode 200: no error **Example policy**: .. includejson:: dumps/response_fwpolicy_get :hide_header: true **Update request**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/request_fwpolicy_update :language: javascript **Update response**: .. literalinclude:: dumps/response_fwpolicy_update :language: javascript Attach policy to a server ------------------------- Attaching a policy is done by specifying the policy *uuid* in the field *firewall_policy* on the server's NIC, using the :ref:`create ` or :ref:`edit ` server calls .. includejson:: dumps/request_fwpolicy_server_attach :hide_header: true :accessor: objects.0 .. warning:: Firewall policies are only applied when attached to your server's public network interfaces. .. _firewall_restrictions: Default restrictions -------------------- Depending on your account's current state, the following restrictions are applied: * Level 0 - for *REGULAR* users: Running servers have limits set on originating broadcast and multicast traffic: * broadcast - limited to 5 packets/second with burst of 100 * multicast - limited to 10 packets/second with burst of 100 * Level 1 - for *TRIAL* users: Running servers cannot open communication channels to ports 22, 23, 25, 7777, 43594, 43595 and 25565 * Level 2 - for *GUEST* and *NEW* users: Running servers can only send ICMP requests, request a DHCP IP, query a DNS server and send requests to TCP port 80 and 443 ( usually HTTP and HTTPS ) Each restriction level applies all the rules from the previous one - i.e. Level 0 rules are applied to Level 1, etc. Please contact support if any of these restrictions breaks your workflow. .. note:: When converting from one user type to another, restrictions are automatically adjusted - no need to powercycle your running servers. Schema ------ .. literalinclude:: dumps/response_fwpolicy_schema :language: javascript